Wednesday, July 14, 2021

It's Raining!

Let's Get It On

What's Up Dude?



No surprise to wake up to light rain as it's been this way for the past week if not more.  At least it has cooled off some so that it's 68º at the moment and should only get up to the mid-'70s later in the day. As I start this, I am the only one up at the moment.  It's 6:45 and I have been up for an hour, alas, and it's strange to have so much quiet. It's now 8:00 and I just returned from a paddle in the pouring rain to a house of three, Mitch, Tyler, and Beth, the rest still asleep.

Kayaking In The Rain

Morning Heron

Eagle Hunkering Down In The Rain

Tuesday was another good day despite the rain predicted, the rain that fell. Mornings as usual are chaos with four or five different breakfasts although Evie made scrambled eggs for most of the family. Rami and Milena had to fly home to Texas yesterday, so Beth drove them to the airport, leaving around 10:30.  Once everyone else was up, one car drove off to walk Long Point State Park, then shop at Wegmans, others worked out in the yard with a  HIIT video, and some stayed home because of work.  When the shoppers returned home,  they went for a swim while Evie made hot dogs for those who wanted them, others made their own lunch.  

Hiking Long Point State Park

Step It Up

A Brief Sunny Lake Afternoon

After lunch, the few that did not walk in the morning drove over to Long Point to walk in the woods while most of the rest of us except for Evie relaxed or napped or read or worked.  Evie, however, once lunch was over, mowed the lawn despite the heat like wonder woman. Once everyone was back, we went out on the dock to enjoy the sun and I had even taken the cover off the boat thinking we might get in a boat ride.  

Brief Afternoon Sunshine


Mellowing Out

Well, after enjoying the brief sunshine, thunder starting rolling in so we quickly cleared the dock, put on the boat cover just as it started to pour around 4:30. That meant we started cocktail hour earlier than usual. It's a crazy time because the kitchen is crowded with family figuring out what cocktail to mix.  Yesterday it was Old Fashions, the day before mojitos and margaritas.  Who knows what concoction today will bring.


Belly Up To The Bar, Mary

We crammed thirteen of us on the front porch, watching it rain, enjoying our libations, hoping it would stop raining when it was time to cook.  Beth had stopped at the Lighthouse Grocery after her trip to the Buffalo Airport and picked up 12 pork chops.  When she got the chops, the bill was thirty-five dollars and she thought they made a mistake; it should have been one-hundred and thirty-five. Well, the bill was correct; she was just used to Dallas prices at Central Market.

Anyways, Evie had marinated the pork chops in teriyaki for five hours so about 7:00, the rain did stop so Tommy and I grilled the pork chops.  They needed only ten or twelve minutes before they were done so we covered them with tin foil for 15 minutes while the rest of dinner, rice, cauliflower rice, corn fritters, and salad ere done.  Dinner was a feast of different tastes.  The pork chops were done perfectly, the fritters excellent with sriracha mayo on top.  And the salad and both kinds of rice are always good.  We took our time with dinner, not finishing until after 8:00. While the dishes were being done, I went out in the water to drag our mat back in front of our house as the wind had moved it over to the neighbor's yard.

A Tradition Of Teriyaki Pork Chops Night

We thought about playing Telefunky but it was already late so we decided to just relax in the living room until it was time for bed, talking and laughing, and looking at Evie's photo books from the past ten years.

Granddaughters, Summer, 2009

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