Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Early Morning In University Park , TX (Dallas)

Good Bye Kansas City
A quiet morning as I start the day.  Everyone is still asleep as they should be because it's only 6:30 here in Texas.  It's a surprisingly warm 59º and we may get some rain later in the day. Beth and I plan on going to her yoga studio at 9:30 and then she and Marisa have a hair appointment late morning, a doctor's appointment early afternoon. Evie aI will probably walk uptown to see what's going on while they are gone
The Great Plains

Yesterday seemed like a long drive and it was, eight hours from KC to Dallas via Interstate 35 which goes almost all the way from Kansas to Dallas.  It was a new way for us, around Wichita and Oklahoma City, through vast fields of brown farm or pastureland, many with windmill farms.  There was not much to see and we went through no towns.  

Green Energy
The last two times we made this trip, we took #49 south to Joplin, then #69 most of the way to Dallas on decent roads but not Interstates and we passed through a few towns which I prefer.  Next time.  We stopped for gas and Mc Donalds, no diners or sightseeing as we wanted to get to Dallas before rush hour.  

Once we hit Dallas, it was fine but their highways, byways, and cloverleaves are so complex that it made us long for the simple, usually empty road Chautauqua County.  I cannot imagine having to drive these roads every day but I suppose you get used to it.  In my forty-five years of teaching,  I commuted only my first two years.  The rest of the time I could walk to my classrooms.

La Maison
We arrived at Beth's around 3:45 as Waze predicted.  We have to park in the street because they are redoing the road, water, sewer and gas lines on the alley behind Beth's house which means they have not the way to get to their garage.  It will take a few months to get it done, probably longer if I know how those things go. It was great to see Beth and Marisa, both at home because Marisa is on spring break. We first got a quick tour of their new home, at least new to us and we loved it, lots of room, great living space, and a small backyard with a pool and hot tub.   We sat and talked for a good hour or more before finally getting up enough energy to bring out stuff out of the car and upstairs.

Beth And Marisa
We relaxed with a glass of wine and guacamole and chips before dinner, which was easy as Beth loves a local stores lasagna, so all she needed to do was heat it up and make a salad.  The lasagna was really good as was the salad.  We decided to be slobs and ate our dinner in the living room and watched the Academy Award-nominated film, BOHEMIAN RHAPSODY, with Rami Malek playing lead singer Freddie Mercury.  He was amazing and deserved the Oscar for outstanding actor award. It was a fun way to spend the evening as all four of us were tired and did not feel much like doing anything other than being couch potatoes.  Around 10:00, we went up to bed, hoping for some nice weather over the next couple of days.

1 comment:

  1. The giant wind turbines are somehow not as picturesque as the windmills that dotted the plains in "Giant" and the "Wizard of Oz". Time marches on.
    Nonetheless, you two make great pictures--even in brown March on the Prairie. Thanks.


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