Wednesday, December 19, 2018

A Cold, Blue Sky Morning




What a surprise to wake up to blue skies, a smattering of puffy white clouds and a chilly 22º.  Just off of Victoria, a number of geese are standing on the just iced over lake so no kayaking this morning although I was out on the lake yesterday afternoon. And, surprise, the sun popped above the horizon for the first time in weeks, thus the many morning photos.




Standing On Long Point
Tuesday's are usually my day off from yoga.  It feels like such a luxury to have a full day with nothing I have to do.  That is not to say I don't enjoy yoga, just that the freedom from having to do anything is a luxury only a retired person would understand.  So what do we end up doing?  Making a major shopping excursion to both Aldi's and Wegman's, getting everything we can think of for the holidays although I am sure I will be back every other day, picking up something we forgot.  Evie easily got her exercise in, walking all the aisles of Aldi's and Wegman's, as I followed, like a good puppy dog.  We were back by 12:30 and had a difficult time finding space to put away all the stuff.  We need a new pantry, preferably a large one.  I had a kashari cheese sandwich and vegetable soup for lunch and watched NARCOS.  One of the takeaways from NARCOS is how political the 'war on drugs' was in the 1980s. The rest of the afternoon Evie worked in the kitchen, making and freezing a couple of baked zitis to pull out for an easy dinner in the next couple of weeks.  I did my usual, reading, napping, then helping out by cleaning up the dishes in the kitchen.

Kayak Afternoon
At 4:00, despite the cold, I played with the idea of getting outside, either to kayak or hike.  I decided on kayaking and paddle down to Whitney Bay and back, cutting it short because of the wind and cold. It felt amazing, after the paddle, to come into a warm house, with faux fire blazing and we soon were sitting around the fireplace, having a glass of wine.

Dinner was leftover from the previous night's dinner, pasta with shrimp and asparagus and rolls, so it was easy, just heat it up.  We watched a Colbert, some cooking shows, the news, breaking of course, and part of VICE NEWS which followed the Caravan, especially one young boy, as they walked through Mexico.  After 15 minutes, it was so depressing that we had to change channels and find something less sad.  I had enough and went up to read and Evie soon followed.

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