Monday, September 10, 2018

A Windy, Stormy Morning


I was up at 5:55, to darkness, rain pelting the windows, the southeasterly wind howling, and a fall like 53º.  It's now 7:10 and the morning has lightened up enough to make out Long Point, the lake, our dock.  All is gray, the lake ruffled, the flag blowing wildly, in 15-20 mph winds.  I don't think there will be a paddle in my morning.  And because of the wind, I fear for Evie's dahlias, many in full bloom.
Fishing In The Rain
Sunday was spent inside for the most part because of the weather, lots of wind and clouds, a chilly, gray day.  We had an extended morning coffee, taking our time, in no hurry to get busy, the way Sundays should be. We listened to some of the news programs, read the Washington Post and New York Times online, surfing the net until almost noon. By then, I was looking forward to another big Sunday breakfast so Evie got out the bacon and we had breakfast, eggs, bagels, and bacon and watched the rest of Bill Maher's Real Time, an episode we started Saturday night.  Afterward, I read some, napped and watched some football, a typical Sunday in the fall.  Evie was excited because she loves listening to Jimmy Donovan announce the Browns game on Sirius Radio.  It makes her feel right at home and his excitement is contagious.  For most of the afternoon, it was bad news for the Browns but they had an exciting comeback, had a chance to win it all, but their field goal with a few seconds left was blocked so they ended up with a tie, a pyrrhic victory and not a loss.

Around 3:00,  I drove over to Long Point because I wanted to watch the weigh-in for the bass tournament.  When I drove in, they had a guy at the entrance,  charging six bucks to get into the park, a park I have never had to pay in thirty years.  So I bagged it, too angry (cheap) to dish out six bucks, and drove home.  Few take advantage of this park, ever, so why charge to use it.

We took it easy with a glass of wine around 5:30, as the wind picked up and the rain began.  Dinner was Beth's pasta sauce, leftover and frozen from her visit in August.  With a salad and garlic bread, we had a tasty dinner.  We started a new movie on Netflix called Sierra Burgess Is A Loser but we soon realized it was predictably silly so we turned it off and watched two episodes of The Great British Baking Show, always fun.  We went to bed early, a result of our "wild" Saturday night in Jamestown.

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