Wednesday, August 8, 2018

A Welcome Rainy And Cloudy Morning

It's a sticky morning, as the humidity has dipped like the 90º temperatures of the weekend.  We got a half inch of rain yesterday in perhaps a half hour, heavy enough that we sat out on the porch to enjoy it. It was also good to get out on the lake early morning, catch a photo of a heron in the reeds, and return home, along Woodlawn, accompanied by a flock of hystrical barn swallows.

Kayak Morning

Among The Reeds
Yesterday's procedure was over and done with by 8:30 and I was home eating my first meal in 24 hours, an omelet and toast. Yum.  Both of us were tired from early rising, so we did not do much during the rest of the morning.  And this lack of getting anything done was helped by the rain showers which precluded any work out in the garden for Evie. 

Around 11:00 however, I bid Evie aloha as she drove off to Lakewood, to do some heavy shopping, both grocery and retail, at TJ Maxx's.  I did not envy her and was happy to stay home, eat tuna sandwiches for lunch, watch another episode of FAUDA, read my new Daniel Silva novel, THE ENGLISH ASSASSIN and take a long nap.  That, for me, is a good afternoon.  Evie did not get back until around 2:00 with not nearly as much as I expected.  I think she is getting fed up with shopping like me. 

Because we then did not have anything we had to do and neither of us felt like doing something productive because we were tired from the early morning, it seemed like a long, boring afternoon, especially our waiting for wine time at 5:00.  Around 3:30, however, I was seduced by the beauty of a placid, gray sky and lake and got in my kayak for a half hour paddle. 

An Overcast Afternoon Paddle
While I paddled,  Evie took her daily swim, then put together our dinner, something I actually woke up thinking about, a meatloaf.  I know it's usually a winter dinner but for some reason it sounded good to me, Evie, too. So, after our wine time, sitting out on our dock, enjoying the break in the cloudy afternoon, we had a dinner of meatloaf, macaroni and cheese (Bob Evan's), salad and corn on the cob.  It tasted just as good as I hoped and we have enough left for another meal. 

Our neighbors stopped over around 8:00 and we sat on the porch talking about getting together for a dinner in the next couple of days, and where we wanted to dine, most likely somewhere new.  After they left, we watched two more episodes of THE HANDMAID'S TALE and by the time it was finished, we were tired enough to go up to bed early for us at 10:00. 

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