7:29 |
7:46 |
7:52 |
8:30 |
Icesicles |
Well, it's a white morning here on the lake as we got two to three inches of snow on the ground this morning. Near the shoreline, the lake is beginning to freeze and assorted waterfowl are floating back and forth and for the first time, we saw a hooded merganser. It's 23º, the coldest its been since we returned from our trip. And around 7:50, the sun broke through the clouds to shine on the lake.
Hooded Megansers |
Yesterday started well with a winter breakfast at our friend Jack's house, on the Chautauqua ridge, about 15 miles from our house. He has our breakfast group over once a year, usually in August. But this past August it was canceled because of flooding in Jack's house. So we gathered there yesterday for a great breakfast made by his wife Diane, cheesy potatoes, an egg and sausage quiche, and sweet rolls with maple syrup or blueberry sauce. We were happy. When we left, the snow was beginning to fall and the roads on the ridge were icy though around our house we had nothing, no snow or ice.
The Breakfast Club |
When I got home, I was feeling a bit off, so I ended up laying around the house much of the morning, with my blanket, napping some, then watching ALL THE PRESIDENTS MEN, a great movie about, I know you will find it had to believe, lies and coverups from the White House. Evie, too, seemed to catch whatever I had and started mucho projects, finishing few alas. Lunch was a bagel and veggie soup and then I was tired from my morning of being tired, so I took another nap.
Midafternoon I finished my Carl Hiassen book, RAZOR GIRL, great fun and pure escape from our messed up world. Evie finally finished rearranging the back closet which is filled with things we never use but still want.
Dinner was easy, as Evie made herself a childhood favorite, a meatloaf sandwich with ketchup. I warmed up some meatloaf and baked potatoes in the microwave and Evie made a salad and cooked up some brussel sprouts so I was happy, too. We watched the final three episodes of THE MARVELOUS MRS. MAISEL which we both really enjoyed. We were so into the series that we did not realize it was snowing outside so we were surprised when we looked outside and it was all white before we went to bed. I started a John Sandford novel, the second in his Prey series, so I was happy,
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