Sunday, July 10, 2016

A Fall Like Morning, Windy, Cool, And Cloudy

A surprisingly cool morning, fall looking clouds, a ruffled lake and just 60º.  I am not complaining. I woke at 5:45 and came downstairs and the walk was still wet so it must have rained briefly overnight. We got 3/4's of an inch yesterday and are grateful for it.  Many areas are parched from lack of rain.

Yesterday I was up early and out kayaking before anyone was up.  Our guests, Pat and Courtney, were up by 8:30 when I returned and we sat out on the front porch, drinking coffee.  Pat walked out on the dock and one of the dock's end pieces slipped off the horse.  Fortunately, he did not get hurt. We then struggled to get the dock piece back on the horse and eventually succeeded.  This has never happened before but I am going to get some braces to hold the end pieces together so this does not happen again.  After fixing the dock, we went in and Evie made a Turkish omelet, of tomatoes, feta cheese, eggs, and Turkish spices.  We sat out on the porch again, munching on our bagels and devouring the eggs.  Both Pat and Courtney took a final swim, to cool off and were on their way by 11:00.

It was a good day for reclining on the dock, soaking up the sun, so Evie was out there much of the afternoon.  I joined her briefly, after watching some of the Wimbledon final won by Serena Williams, her 22nd major, an amazing run for a little black girl from LA, coached by her father.  I soon got bored on the dock and since Evie was out cutting weeds, I decided to drive to Mayville, to return the gate passes I borrowed from two of my friends.  One was not home, the other, Jack, was out watering his hops, rows of 20 feet tall vines, which need lots of water.

Saturday Afternoon Blue
When I got home, Evie was still on the dock.  Around 5:30, she came in and we had appetizers and a couple of glasses of wine on the porch, enjoying the view, especially a trimaran attempting to sail up the lake, against the wind.  Because of the wind, chilling when out on the dock, the colors of the lake and shoreline, were more vivid than usual and a brief rainbow filled the sky, as a shower hit the Long Point Park area.

A Brief Rainbow
Rainbow On A Sunny Afternoon
For dinner, we had, what else, leftover pork tenderloin, vegetable pancakes, and rice.  And we watched another two episodes of Dicte before going up to be early, around 10:00.  We were both tired from Friday night's concert I assume and a full day.

A quotation from Anna Quindlen, on turning 50 years old.

"After all those years as a woman hearing 'not thin enough, not pretty enough, not smart enough, not this enough, not that enough,' almost overnight I woke up one morning and thought, 'I'm enough,'" 

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