Friday, May 17, 2013

Another Bright Shining Morning


New Flag
Up at 5:50, just in time to see the sun peak above the shoreline, about 6:06.  Another beautiful morning, lake like glass, a few ripples from the ducks, birds chirping, light reflecting on the water.  I forgot what it's like to wake up at the lake on a spring/summer/fall morning, blue skies and sun, not something we are used to after winter of gray, more gray, and snow, not that I am complaining.  It only makes the present sweeter.  It's 41º but it's expected to get up to 70º, with no rain in sight over the next few days, alas, because we need it.

Yesterday started early for Evie as she dropped our friend, Stan Marshaus off in downtown Jamestown at 8:00 for a 'procedure.'  She drove him so I could go to breakfast with my buddies at 8:00.  We had a good time, catching up on the local news because all four are plugged in to the CI as well as local news.  Much of their stories are about the good old days, working at the CI, so I can commiserate when they talk about institutional madness because all institutions, like Reserve, are the same.  After breakfast, yoga, I went to Yin yoga, always crowded on Thursday for some reason, so I was stuffed off into a corner.  We spent a lot of time on various cobra poses, good for the back, something I need.  I did have to leave early, missing savasana because I was picked Stan up at 11:15, bringing him home because he was not to drive after his procedure.  He was ready, fortunately, so I was home by 12:00.  While I was at yoga, Evie went to a hair appointment, made numerous stops, picking up petunias for our flower boxes, potting soil, and herbs.

We both spent most of the afternoon working in the yard and garden, and eventually, at 4:30, Evie cut the lawn to get some exercise.  We even took time off to sit out on the dock, though it was windy.  And I put up our new flag, guaranteed to last for a couple of years.  We will see.  We ended the day, sitting on our front porch, with a sundowner (yes, I like that word), enjoying the relaxation after a tiring but useful day.  It's always something to look forward to.

For dinner, we had pizza and salad around 7:00 and it's strange to be eating while it's still light outside.  We watched the finals of American Idol, a entertaining show because of the guest stars who made it worth watching.  The announcement of the winner is always anticlimactic after the great singers that preceded it.  After that, it was back to Le Carre and THE PERFECT SPY.

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