Saturday, March 26, 2011

Sunny Morning, With Dusting of Snow and Cold (15 degrees)

Wine Tasting at Webb's 
I stayed up late last night to watch Ohio State lose to Kentucky in the last seconds, a depressing lost for the Buckeyes because they did not play well.  They struggled the entire game, stymied by Kentucky's athleticism, and they shot poorly for them.  Now I don't care much about the tournament, perhaps Kansas is the only team worth rooting for.  I slept in till 8:00 a rarity for us both so it was bright and sunny in our bedroom when I got up, a change from the winter darkness I am used to coming down to each morning.  We went out with Linda and Ron to a wine tasting at Webb's, then back to their house for a cauliflower and gnocchi casserole and chicken thighs with apple cider, both quite nice.  Webb's was crowded around the bar, but we were the only one's standing.  We tasted about five different wines, liked the one from Italy the best, though the others from Spain and some local wines were decent, though I don't think I would buy them.  Charles Shaw is still my favorite.  Today is trash day and since Evie has been cleaning out some of our photos, we have lots to get rid of, always a good feeling.  We dropped some things off at Salvation Army yesterday as well.

As you can see, I am become fanatical about getting a picture for my blog each day, carrying my camera with me where ever I go.

We went over to Long Point for a hike in the park since it was such a nice day.  It's the first walk since going to Beth's and we loved it, a warming sun, blue skies, snowy paths, no wind, and crisp but not too cold.   The trees are still bare, the lake frozen, except for around the edges, the paths filled with snow except in sunny areas where they were covered with composted leaves, brown and soft and rich, ripe for planting.  We walked at least an hour and a half, were never cold, not hot, just the kind of weather we love, probably in the low 20's as we walked though warmer when in the sun.

I hope Walt and Julia have had this kind of weather today for their race in DC; if so, it could be a great day to run.

Hung out this afternoon and did something I rarely do, watched a documentary called INSIDE JOB, a upsetting, though educational look at how the banks, investments firms, savings and loans colluded with lobbyists and politicians to create the laws and lack of oversight which led to the huge housing bubble and near destruction of the world's economy.  It's amazing how all the power brokers in both Clinton and Bushs and Obama's government were the same people who lobbied for deregulation when they were the CEO's of various banks or investment firms.  No one comes off well in government or the banks; they all knew what was going on, that it was risky, but they were making so much money, at little risk to themselves, that they just didn't care.  And anyone who suggested that the trough be regulated was labeled a fool or commie or anti capitalists.  It's a movie every one should see because nothing, or very little has been done, to make sure that this does not happen again.  That's why it's so depressing...the same rules apply, the same mix of power brokers are in charge of government, after working for a firm, then return to the firm or bank after working in government, enriching themselves and those like them coming and going.

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