Thursday, November 4, 2010

Warm, Gray and Wet Morning

Though it was in the low 20's yesterday morning when I awoke, today it was 40 when I awoke at 6:30.  As I look out my window, it's like a black and white photo, gray sky, gray lake with shadows from the Bemus hills, and for the first time, bare branches of the maple frame the gray sky, the first time I have seen it from the house since late May when the leaves obscured my view of it.  The shadows from the opposite side seem to reach out to almost a 100 yards of our shore.  The lawn is immaculate, no leaves have fallen during the night, so Evie is happy.  Leonard's lawn, however, is filled with leaves, a worry for Evie as they may eventually blow our way...such worries.  This will be my first full day at the lake in two weeks, so I am pretty excited about a leisurely day, one where I can  get caught up on my bills, on learning how to use my computer more effectively, especially I Photo.  We will have to go shopping later in the morning, as we have to pick up the Pilot, a $200.00 item, so the engine malfunction light turns off.  What a racket.  Time for yogurt, granola, and blue berries...then on to cleaning the gutters.  It's strange how busy we seem during retirement, always something to did we ever keep up when both were working full time, coming out only on weekends.  Perhaps the dictum that you are busier in retirement then before is  true.

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