Thursday, November 5, 2015

A Cloudy But Warm Morning After Yesterday's Record Setting High of 77º

Up early, at 6:00 to a surprisingly cloudy morning, a gray sky and lake.  About 6:50, a patch of dark pink, like a small camp fire, appeared over Bemus but has since been swallowed up by gray. It's warm, 57º and will reach almost into the high 60's later in the day.  I don't think there's going to be much of a sunrise today.

Yesterday was perfect, almost too warm, an uncomfortable warm because it's November.  The heat makes us worry about global warming, its effects, often extreme, on weather everywhere. We have never had a fall this warm and wonder what winter will bring.  We had  big plans for yesterday, mostly work outside. So we put off kayaking until later, waiting for the noonday sun.  Before going to the store, however,  because I was going to wax my car later in the day (the first time I have ever waxed a car by the way),  I got out a bucket of water and soap and gave my Outback a quick wash.   I then left to shop around 9:30, stopping at Ryder's Cup for coffee and to pick up some fresh eggs.  I also stopped at the bank's ATM and discovered that I could not get a ten dollar bill, only 20's.  I also stopped at a nursery to pick up more mulch and tree wrap, to protect our new trees from the deer. And I went to Art Sample's, to pay him for the privets I bought on Tuesday.  He gave me advice on planting trees, why fall is the best time, and how to winter our privets.  A good guy.  When I got home, Evie had already started to mulch the leaves in our yard though most leaves have fallen.

We decided to wax the car before it got too warm, so I started waxing while Evie finished some of the lawn, then came to help, waxing while  I polished.  It took only about 30 minutes between the two of us. We hurried because the lake was so inviting and we wanted to get out there and paddle.  We meandered along the shoreline  to Whitney Bay, past the campground where they were bringing 70+ boat lifts from the water to the shore, a laborious task.  We were, of course, the only ones out on the water other than a fishing boat or two.  If only I could have laid back and closed my eyes without falling in the water, I could have napped.  It was that kind of day on the lake, sunny, warm, calm, and quiet.

A Lazy Kayak Afternoon
When we got back, Evie microwaved some rice and beans.  It's  the fourth day in a row for the beans, and I am still not tired of them, a true Turk.  We both relaxed for a bit but neither felt like sitting for long, so we both went out and worked in the yard.  I raked leaves, mulched them, and pulled out three barrels from behind my garage, where they pile up and create water problem in the garage.  It's always an onerous task because it's such a small space.

Meanwhile, Evie continued mulching our yard, our neighbors, then our neighbor's neighbor, and would not have stopped until I asked if she wanted to plant our new Tulip tree.  So, we put away the mower, got out the wheel barrow and top soil and placed the Tulip tree in the hole we dug yesterday.  It took only 15 minutes to straighten it, pack it with good soil and water it.  And we were done for the day at 4:30, the lake serene, Long Point an amazing mixture gold, orange and brown but we were too tired to kayak, alas.
A Sun Burnt Long Point From Our Window
We planned on going to Steener's Pub for their wings, but our neighbors, the Johnstons, called to see if we wanted to go out to dinner with them on Thursday.  It sounded good, so we decided to eat at home.  Fortunately, Evie had taken some pulled pork out of the freezer so she made some cole slaw, heated up the pork, and we had pulled pork sandwiches for dinner.  We watched a mini series on Netflix called The Politician's Husband.  It was worth watching though the ending was ridiculous.  A politician, the husband, takes a calculated risk, loses and then must watch as his wife ascends in the political world, to his dismay, then anger.

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