Thursday, August 20, 2015

It Rained (some) This Morning!

I was up before 6:00, wondering if it had rained overnight as predicted (it didn't) but it looked dark and threatening when I walked outside, and within ten minutes it began to rain, for about 15 minutes, some thunder and lightning over in the distance.  So it was enough to wet the lawn, but not under the trees, alas, which form vast umbrellas of green.  It's a warm 73º, perhaps the high of the day as it's starting to cool off around here.  For the moment, the lake is empty, the sky overcast but no rain in sight.

We were both busy yesterday morning before it became too warm and humid.  While Evie worked in the house, I worked outside, washing the front windows, cleaning my grill, changing the oil on the lawn mower, and sharpening the blades.  I then went out into the lake and took down my purple martin house, took it apart, cleaned it with the hose, and set it out to dry.  Just as I was going swimming, the CLA weed cutters arrived and Evie quickly ran out on the dock and orchestrated their cutting of the weeds in front of our house.  They worked for a good half hour, and much of the lake in front of our house is weed free.

I had a quick lunch, a quesadilla, watched some TV, and read until 2:00 when our good friend, Scott Shorten, arrived from Hudson, to spend the day and night.  He is on his way to Burlington, VT, to visit his son who is a resident in a hospital there.  He usually comes up to the lake once or twice a year, to see us and just enjoy the lake.  He recently retired as a doctor, so he's now able to really do what he wants, the good life.  We hung out on the dock, catching up on both of our families.  I taught all three of his kids English at Reserve and both of his sons are in med school.  Around 3:30, I put some beers in a cooler, took the cover off the boat, and we took a long cruise down to Irwin Bay, then cruised slowly back, looking at all the houses, the additions, trying to figure out what was the original house.  It was a spectacular day to be out on a boat, amazing clouds, blue skies, and not much traffic.
After A Swim
We were back by 5:00 and sat out on the dock with Evie, having another beer and some cheese and crackers before taking a swim, then cleaning up and getting ready to go out to dinner. It was the boys' night out, as Evie went shopping at Wegman's, stocking up for the weekend when both of my sisters' and their husbands arrive.  Scott and I took the boat over to Bemus and docked in the public dock. We then followed our usual routine when visiting  Bemus with friends, starting with an Old Vienna on the porch of the historic Lenhart Hotel.  We were two of four people sitting in the rocking chairs, on the far side of the porch, to avoid the late afternoon sun.  We then went to the Seezurh House, not very crowded, alas, and ordered the fish fry, battered and fried, with a double tartar sauce.  And to make sure the entire meal was unhealthy, we had fried pickle appetizer.  The fish fry was just what we wanted, in fact, more than we wanted as the fish overlapped the plate.

After The Fish Fry, At Seezurh House in Bemus Point
We cruised home around 8:30, just as the sky was darkening, along Lakeside Drive, counting the number of homes that seemed to be occupied.  Not many.  It was dark when we got home, and I decided to put the cover on the boat because it was supposed to rain.  We then sat in the living room, with Scott, looking at the photo books Evie put together of our families visits to the lake.  We were all tired  and ended up going to bed earlier than usual, around 10:00.

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