Saturday, August 8, 2015

A Surprisingly Quiet Saturday Morning In August

I slept in until 7:00, have been up now for forty five minutes, the only sounds that of some birds, no boats, skiers, sea-doos yet, and just now, a kayak is gliding by.   It's 59º and it looks like another couple of great days here on the lake.  No rain until Monday if then.  It's getting boring.

Relaxing On The Lake
Yesterday we continued our days or 'large leisure', getting little done around the house and not feeling guilty about it.  After breakfast, we did get in a kayak paddle, a nice long one, over to Long Point, then Tom's Point, then home.  After that, Evie did get busy, packing birthday presents in boxes in be mailed to both Hayden, in Virginia and Marisa in Dallas.  It's sad to have them all so far away. I drove into Mayville because Evie had a prescription at Johnson's Pharmacy, mailed the packages, and picked up a loaf of Pepperidge Farm Original white bread for turkey sandwiches.
Leaving On A Jet Plane
Weed Cutters, Like Humongous Insects, Scour The Lake
And that was it for the day.  Lunch was the last of mushroom and barley soup, along with a turkey sandwich and an episode of Deutschland.  The rest of the afternoon was filled with leisure, reading and sunning on the dock.  We are becoming toasty, Evie especially, as she had her father's skin and tans easily.  He was always darkly tanned during the summers and when he lived in Scottsdale.  It was another perfect afternoon to be outside, a nice breeze, sun, and when it got too hot, Evie got out her umbrella, for shade to read on her Kindle.

Around 5:00, we ended up talking with our neighbors, the Leonards and Pat Jones, who we have not seen much since all our kids left.  It's strange how both of our lives have changed when we no longer have grandchildren around.  We knew dinner was easy, the leftover fixings from our turkey dinner so we celebrated the end of the week with a couple of Friday night manhattans, and some great cheese, Castello, from Trader Joe's, a brie with blue cheese in it.  Amazing stuff, especially if you let it sit out all day, so that you hardly need a knife to spread it.  We sat on our porch for a good hour, listening to some great tunes on our Sonos system.  Evie's in love with it.  Around 8:00, I put together a plate of turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes and gravy, and microwaved it and I was set.  Evie made a turkey sandwich on the Pepperidge Farm bread.  We watched the finale of The Daily Show, sad making as we have no idea how to fill our early evenings now that both Stewart and Colbert are gone. We loved the final ten minutes of The Daily Show, as Bruce Springsteen came on stage and played two great songs, ending with Born To Run, as the entire Daily Show Staff and correspondents from the past 16 years danced.  It gave us the shivers.  We watched something else which I cannot remember before going to bed around 10:30 to read.

It's now 8:00, Morning Edition has just begun, Evie's sleeping and the lake is still quiet, the sky, however, is clouding up some, the sun hidden, the lake placid and gray.

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