Friday, February 7, 2014

A VERY Cold Friday, Snow Shoeing Dobbins Woods, Movie at Reg Lenna

Frosted Branches and Beard
Snow Shoeing In A Cathedral of Pine Trees
An early morning, again, up at 6:00, mostly likely because I want to go to yoga which is now at 8:15 on Fridays.  It's very cold out, 0º, and they are talking about a wind chill factor of 15 below. It's supposed to be this way over the weekend.

Yesterday we were both up early but could not make up our minds whether to snow shoe early or later in the day.  Evie decided she wanted to stay home and make chocolate chip cookies, so I went off to Yin Yoga to get my fix.  A good class and I stopped at Ryder's Cup afterwards, struck up a conversation with a friendly guy who I see in there quite often.  Neither of us know the others name, but we talk each time we are in there, this time about our hikes on Long Point and Dobbins Woods. Next time I see him I vow to introduce myself.  I was home around noon and had fried rice for lunch, and we watched Stewart and Colbert as the cookies were just about done, all, alas, for the grandchildren but I snuck a couple.

Around 3:00, we drove off to Dobbins Woods, a mile up Bly Hill road, and Evie snow shooed and I cross country skied the loop through the woods.  Someone, probably a couple of people snow shoeing, had made a great path, perfect for both skiing and snow shoeing.  We were out for forty five minutes, just right because both of us were tired.

We were home by 4:00, and Evie showered and got dressed because we had decided to go out to dinner in Jamestown, at Taco Hut and see the British film ABOUT TIME at the Reg Lenna, the downtown renovated theater, built in 1923, seats 1269 people.  We called the Mc Clures, and they were interested, so all of us headed off for Mexican food and Dos Equis around 6:15.  We all had great meals, Linda and Evie portabella pizzas, me a Mexican burger with onions rings, and for Ron, some kind of Mexican dish I cannot spell.
Interior of Jamestown's Reg Lenna Civic Center
We walked to the theater, bought four bags of popcorn, water, and Evie brought chocolate chip cookies, Linda jelly candies, so we were set food wise.  We all loved the film, ABOUT TIME, set in the present in Great Britain. A sentimental but thoughtful romance, it makes use of the time machine  gimmick (the protagonist can go back in time and relive only moments of joy, not 'kill Hitler', as his father tells him).  This allows Tim (where's Hugh Grant), a young, bumbling and lonely twenty one year old, to woo his love, Mary (Rachel McAdams) with only a couple of funny do-overs.  Once they become a couple, we follow them through their early years, marriage, children, life with Tim's family. He tweaks a few moments but eventually learns to follow the advice of his father and Richard Curtiss, the writer and director's message:  to live each day as if you are doing it for the second time, allowing him to savour each moment, not needing a do-over.  Touching, funny, sad at times, and filled with great acting, especially Bill Nighy, his father, we all want to see the movie again;  highly recommended for all ages.  Some, no doubt, see it as fluff, another somewhat silly romantic comedy like LOVE ACTUALLY or FOUR WEDDINGS AND A FUNERAL (which I also really liked by the way) but this time,  even the curmudgeons like Ron and I liked it!

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