Friday, August 2, 2013

Overcast, Humid, A Heavy, Liquid Feel to The Air

Making Krispy Kreme Donuts With Tyler and Mitch


Blue Berry Pie Made

Up at 6:10 and now that we have Cody, Beth's dog, for a few days, I took him out for a brief walk before getting my coffee and computer and sitting on he front porch.  A dampness to the air and I am uncomfortably warm with my fleece, so off it goes.  It's only 60º out, some rain forecast for the day.  I left the cover of my boat off overnight so no doubt it will rain.
Rami Arrives with Cody

Frying Krispy Kremes, as Fans Wait

Yum, Hot Krispy Kremes
A Work of Art

The days are beginning to blend, a sameness to them as it's now been a week since Marlena and Tom arrived last Friday.  Yesterday morning was waiting for Rami, as he left CT at 4:00 in the morning, getting her about 10:00, just in time to see the girls when they came downstairs.  Since their dog sitter fell through, he brought Cody to the delight of all the kids.  Evie and the boys decided to make Krispy Kreme donuts for breakfast, which took up a good part of the morning, making the dough, cutting out the donuts, letting them rise, making the glaze, regular and chocolate, then frying them on the back porch, with the entire gang watching, waiting to have a donut hot from the fryer.  Making donuts has become a yearly custom, and each year  they get better and better.  While the boys made the donuts, the girls performed their dance routine for Rami. After the donuts, Tyler and Evie, never tiring,  put together the crust for a blueberry pie, and put it aside till later for the filling.  I showed Tyler where to get ice, Hogan's Hut, which is going to be his daily chore, filling up the cooler with a new bag of ice each morning, keeping the drinks cold, leaving more room in the refrigerator for the food.  One never has a big enough refrigerator when this gang arrives.

Watching Mitchell Stand

We had leftover pizza for lunch, devoured in minutes by the kids, and the girls worked on their bracelets while Tyler went to work out at the gym. The rest of us cleaned up the kitchen, the house some, and thought about dinner.  Fortunately, Evie had made a huge batch of pulled pork barbecue last week, so all she had to do do was pull in out of the freezer and heat it.  While she and Tyler made the filling for the blueberry pie and baked it, I drove off to buy a dozen ears of corn and dinner was set.

Most of the afternoon it was sunny and pleasant, so we swam, fished on the dock, and just enjoyed being outside in the sun and water.  After yesterday's kerfuffle with the prop, it was great to have the boat up and running, so Evie and I took the girls and Mitch out tubing for an hour at least.  Although the boat does not go fast enough for Mitch, it seems perfect for the girls, bumping them around, as I looked for the largest wakes of other boats.  Mitch tries to do acrobatics on the tube as we pull, eventually going to far and falling off but having a good time.

Barbecued Beef and Cole Slaw Dinner

Ready to Cut the Blue Berry Pie
We had dinner outside, a cool evening, just right for sweats and the kids and adults loved the barbecued pork sandwiches, with cole slaw, a must as far as i am concerned.  We played Spud after dinner until it got dark.  Mitch and I went out and fished but had little luck so we came back from the dock for the blueberry pie which was amazing, firm enough so when you cut it, it stayed in one piece.  Tyler and Evie, the two pie makers, were super happy with their result.  And we had it a la mode of course.

The girls talked us in to letting them watch Pitch Perfect, a newer movie, and Marisa had the film on her IPAD so Rami was able to show it on our TV screen via my Wifi and Apple TV.  Amazing technology.  Unfortunately the move lasted until 10:45, so the girls went straight to bed, no stories, no karate, just brush you teeth and in bed.  By the time I got to bed, around 11:10, they were all asleep, exhausted no doubt from a full day.

It's now 7:00 and Evie and I are the only one's up though Rami had to fly to Florida this morning so he left for Buffalo around 3:45 to catch his flight.  He will return this evening at 10:30.  And Tom, Mary and Nick fly into Cleveland today, about 1:30 and should be here at the lake in time for dinner.  We cannot wait to see them.

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