Saturday, August 3, 2013

A Neat Saturday Sunrise(if a sunrise can be neat) As Another Busy Day Begins

Swimming at Dusk

Up at 6:20, like I have an alarm clock, and Cody greeted me with his happy dance, so I took him for a walk before settling down on the couch, this time inside, not the porch...don't want to get in a rut.  Actually, Cody didn't want to come on the porch so I stayed inside with him.

Not a lot of different action yesterday, more of the necessary, the fun, as the morning started off with Beth making a large blueberry scone (we still have three or four pounds left from Tuesday's picking).  It was enough to feed most of us for breakfast, sweet and crumbly, like a scone should be.  She also went recipe hunting, found another recipe for blueberry bars, almost like pound cake with berries, so she quickly put that together and baked it for last night's dessert.

Girls Gone Wild

Halle Bissell
The girls stayed upstairs, as is their habit now, till around 10:00 AM, when they came down en masse, ready to eat, play, swim, tube, fish, make rainbow ring bracelets, and practice their dance routine.  They never tire, never get bored, and never fight, just jump from one activity to another.  The boys, however, are another animal.  Tyler and Mitch are either baking, swimming, fishing, tubing, or watching reruns of Cheers on Netflix.  Evie introduced them to the series and now all of us may sit down and watch an episode together, laughing like idiots, at the antics of Sam and Diane.  Funny writing, great timing and acting.

We fished and swam, as I said, off and on most of the day, breaking it up with an occasional tubing, which the girls are starting to love, becoming fearless, raising their thumbs constantly to indicate they want to go faster.  Mid afternoon, Beth went off to the Lighthouse to pick up ground chuck, buns, zucchini, and some pea meal bacon, for breakfast of course.  While she was there, Mitch and Evie cut up potatoes, for french fries, to go along with our burgers.  It's an involved process of cutting, soaking, drying, frying once, then frying again just before we want to eat.
Hugging Couple

Tom, Mary, and Nick arrived from KC about 5:15, to applause, as everyone was excited to see them. Neither family had seen each other since last summer.  The boys grabbed Nick and took him into the TV room, and the girls pulled Tom and Mary into the yard to watch their dance performance, a rehearsal for tonight's opening, when Jill and Drew arrive and  Linda and Ron come for dinner. Just before dinner, Beth made zucchini fritters while I cooked the burgers and Evie and Mitch deep fried the french fries.  About 7:00, we finally sat down to dinner, of juicy lucy's, burgers with cheese in the middle of two patties, first seen on Diners, Drive Ins and Dives three or four years ago by the boys and made every summer since then.
Enjoying Juicy Lucy's 

After dinner, all the kids went swimming with Evie, Tommy started a fire in our outdoor fire pit and it started to drizzle, but not hard enough to send us inside, as we sat under the tree, around the fire, talking and telling silly stories, playing word games till it was time to go in and have dessert, of Beth's blueberry squares with Wegman's French Vanilla ice cream, the best ice cream by unanimous acclaim. The girls went to bed around 10:00 (though they could not get to sleep so Evie ended up making them warm milk, downstairs in the kitchen around 11:00), the boys stayed up watching The Longest Yard remake with Adam Sandler, and Tom and Mary went to bed early, having gotten up at 5:30 for their flight to Cleveland, then driving to the lake.  We left the light on for Rami, who was flying into Buffalo at 10:30, getting here after midnight.
After Dinner Swim For The Gang

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