Saturday, September 17, 2011


Jack's Barcelona Drive Inn on Lake Eire

I woke about 6:30 and as I sat having my coffee, the roar of bass boats filled the lake, as one boat after another raced around Long Point, as the local lake fishing tournament began.  It amazes me how they race off in different directions, to their sweet spot I suppose, which they scouted out the day before.  From kayaking, we have talked to numerous fishermen, none seeming to have much luck but they may have been amateurs, not the pros that come to these tournaments.
Amish Vegetable Stand

We were thinking of heading off to Edinboro College this morning, as the Aultz's daughter is a freshmen on the volleyball team, but I looked at the statistics from last night's game and saw she hardly played at all, normal for a freshmen, so we will head north to the Westfield Market, perhaps to see the beginning of the grape harvest, perhaps have lunch on Lake Erie if we can find anything open.

Amish Buggy
We watched a unnoticed film last night, QUEEN TO PLAY,  about a middle aged French women, seemingly destined to spend her life cleaning hotel rooms, finds her self as she learns how to play chess from a local scholar/recluse, played wonderfully by Kevin Kline.  It's a typical rags to riches story, as she ends up winning a local tournament, defeating the arrogant organizer, but it's told lovingly, as she struggles with her husband, teen age daughter as well, giving the film verisimilitude.  Set in the south of France I think, it's beautifully filmed, lovely mountains and of course, water, perhaps the sea, possibly as lake.

We just returned from heading up to Westfield and Barcelona, on Lake Erie.  We hit the Amish market in Westfield, walked around the town, browsed briefly Patterson Library, the drove west on Rt. 20, through the vineyards to the Westfield Nursery (they were not having their sale yet), on to a couple of farm stands, then headed north to RT. 5, and drove along the Lake Erie shores to Barcelona, where we had lunch at Jack's, chili for me, a perch sandwich for Evie.  We then headed home, exhausted from not doing much, most likely having eaten a big lunch, so now its time for reading, watching football or taking a nap, which ever comes first.

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