Sunday, June 12, 2011

Sunday Laze, Foggy and Rainy Day

Sunday of Fog and Rain
It's a cooler day, 62 degrees, and foggy and rainy on the lake, so that I can hardly see Long Point.  I have to admit I do like this kind of day, the kind where you work inside, read a  book, come up with a great meal, as long as you don't have too many of them (these days) in a row, which happens here especially in April and May.  Evie's  busy on the front porch, vacuuming and washing the floor, the windows, the wall as most of her time has been spent outside in the garden and lawn.  We are trying to figure out how to eat on the front porch more, but we cannot quite find the right table.  Right now we have a 60 inch iron table on the porch but it's too big, though it works well for four people.  We just have to pick it up and move it from the side to the middle to eat.  We need something around 40 inches, that can be outside, and is easy to move.  We are constantly experimenting, trying to find just the right configuration of furniture whether inside or out, which, no doubt, we change a day, a week, or month later.  Perhaps its just part of the human animal...we change, always desire change, are never satisfied with the way things are.

I am enjoy SCORPIONS, the book I mentioned about the four disparate Supreme Court justices that influenced policy during the FDR administration.  It's a fascinating read so far, and the sections on what life was like during the depressing are 'depressing,' with towns that had 100,000 workers with good jobs now down to 10,000 jobs, neighborhoods rampant with crime and chaos, a  result of people without jobs.  Scary.

I am not sure what today will bring; we are trying to decide between chicken tikka marasa or baked ziti, both of them my favorites.  If it continues to rain we may tackle the attic, a little like reorganizing my  garage, something you must do four or five times a year.  We need more space!

Evie just came in a screamed, "What a nice gray day!  Cleaning my Chautauqua porch is like playing house."  We are happy here at the lake, in our own house, with the freedom to do whatever we like.  Yea, retirement!  The only thing that could make it better would be if each year we got younger, rather than older.  I wonder if that could be arranged.  Doubt it.

We ended up walking the CI this morning, then stopped at the Lighthouse to pick up a few groceries, visited the Mc Clures cats, then came home to an overcast day but it didn't rain.  We relaxed most of the afternoon, and Evie even went out to read on the dock though it was about 60 degrees outside, with a bit of a wind.

Giarizzo's had a crane over in their yard yesterday; after they cut the trees into logs, the crane lifted them up on to a truck, so they have begun the clean up.  And there dock was put in today, about 40 feet to the left of where they usual put it.  At least they will be able to enjoy the water this summer.

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