Thursday, February 3, 2011

Halle in the Morning

Well, it's sunny but cool, and I've been up since 6:30, first with Coco, then Evie, and Halle for the last couple of hours, as Hayden continues to sleep in.  Halle came down, sleepy eyed, but with an envelope full of her sight words.  We quickly went over them; she knows them perfectly, then progressed to looking at pictures on my computer of her when the Bissell's first moved to Colorado.  Coco, of course, had t snuggle up with us the couch.  Evie then played a slide show for Halle, of pictures of her, set to music.  Hayden has finally awakened or been awakened is more like it, by dear Halle, but she stays up stairs reading.  It's great to see a blue sky, temperatures in the low 30's, and a good forecast lies ahead.

Just took Coco for a cold walk, about 26 degrees out, and he literally pulled me the entire way, a tireless walker.  I think I tired him out, however, as he as been sleeping ever since.  The girls have a couple of neighbors over, at least they turned up at the door an hour ago, and we finally got them to go play downstairs in the basement.

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