Thursday, May 6, 2010

Colorado Springs to Lee's Summit

Thursday, May 6th, Colorado Springs to Lees Summit

Up at 4:30 again, Evie followed about 5:30 and we were off by 6:30. Halle was the only one up other than Drew who left about 5:30. She was quiet, so I covered her, and Evie put a show on, and we left about 6:30.
The ride out of town to Liman was pleasant, rolling hills peopled by ranches, and we passed through a couple of sad looking towns, on our 65 mile drive to Interstate 70
The ride through Colorado to Kansas took another couple of hours, as we could see as far as the horizon, the land was that flat. You drive through these amazing fields, wondering how they are ever cultivated, as they are so vast, with nothing around, except an exit, with lots of silos, perhaps a store or two, not much else. Occasionally, off in the distance, we glimpse a bank of trees and a small house in the middle of this vast field. As we get into Kansas the fiels seem greener, less for grazing, then for raising wheat. This is obviously the wheat belt of the world. At this point, the wheat is about six inches high, very green and thick. It’s strange how one side is green with growth, the other ready to be seeded, either with another crop or they put crops in at different times. Although the fiels are mostly wheat, we just did pass some cattle grazing, though this is the only group I have seen in the past hour.

Another sight are the large insect like sprinklers that are sitting off in the distant, on various fields, though I have yet to see any in use. The sprinklers have huge legs, on wheels, and hanging from the main bar are hoses with what looks like spray heads, so that they cover up to 100 yards of field as they move. I wonder where the water comes from, as it seems almost desert like except for the fields that are cultivated.
Something we noticed were occasional sheep farms, some buffaloes, but not many, and occasional cattle ranches. Once we got half way through Kansas, to Salinas and Eastward, Kansas became more green, more attractive and more populated. And the land was not quite as flat, with some gentle rolling hills, though not many trees, something really lacking in the Plains,
We ran into a bit of traffic in KC but arrived at Tom’s around 5:00. We kind of hung out, had some homemade soup and fresh bread for dinner, then went to Nick’s game at 8:30, after an earlier practice, so when we got home around 10:00, he was really tired though in good spirits because they had won. Evie made quesadillas for all three of us. We went to bed around 10:30 and were really tired.

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