Prepping for Christmas Dinner |
Deep Frying the Turkey |
I'm up at 6:15, the only one up, strange for the Bissell house since Drew is usually up by 5:00 and off to work but today, he's sleeping in as is everyone but me. The eastern sky is slowly lightening, and I can see dark clouds silhouetted against the lit morning sky. It looks like another nice day her in Virginia, a good day for enjoying the girls and later, heading off to my sister Ellen and her family for dinner, about a 30 minute drive to Herndon, VA.
Mom and Daughter |
Yesterday, Christmas, was the usual as in most house holds with kids, filled with presents being opened early, then the great breakfast, followed by the sounds of some game on TV as the children play with their various presents, either in their rooms, on the living room floor, or outside if, in Hayden's case, you got a new bike. And Evie spent lots of time with the girls in their rooms, rearranging with all their new gifts, making them cosy and warm. Phone calls were made to various relatives or friends, in this case, Marisa called Hayden on her new Itouch and the two of them talked for at least an hour. Marlena wrote to Hayden about her Christmas, and Evie talked with her Dad and family in Scottsdale. All seems right in the world on Christmas Day. About 3:45, Drew and I went out side to start the boiler, heat the oil, as we were deep frying the turkey. We dropped it in the boiling oil about 4:20 and it was done by 5:20, quite fast for a fourteen pound turkey. Jill carved it and together with the mashed potatoes and stuffing, we had a great meal. The turkey was delicious, moist and tasty, about as good a turkey as I have ever had. It might be worth investing in a deep fryer if you were to use it more than once a year. Once you buy the equipment, the only real expense is the oil which can be expensive, depending on how often you have to change it. Anyways, it was a great way to have turkey, our first deep fried bird, and I would easily do it again. After dinner, the girls and Drew and Jill and I went for a walk once again, looking at all the lights in the neighborhood, as Evie volunteered to stay home and do the dishes. When we returned, we watched Will Farrell in ELF, something we have done the last few years, along with Christmas Vacation with Chevy Chase. The girls love the movies; we had our pumpkin pie with whipped cream, as we watched and the girls went to bed easily, right after, tired but happy with their Christmas Day. Every one went to bed around 10:00, too tired to stay up and watch much of the NFL game.
And it's now 7:00 and nobody is up yet! Jill and Drew are off for the day and night, probably into to DC to enjoy shopping, eating out, and having a day and a half to themselves. We, as I mentioned, will go to my sisters for dinner, enjoy the girls today and tomorrow, and leave on Wednesday, the 28th.