Friday, April 23, 2010

Return of Jill/Drew and Three Inches of Snow and Windy

Friday, April 23, CS

We woke up to three inches of snow and a howling wind, a bit of a surprise considering the weather did not necessarily predict it. The kids school was canceled as a result, which seemed silly, but as the day progressed, the weather became worst and the roads were fairly treacherous. Drew and I ventured out around 10:00 to head to Home Depot but ended up turning around, as the roads were bad, and there is little road maintenance in these areas because the snow is so sporadic. We did go out later to Safeway, a mile away for some booze and food, and by that time, the roads were at least decent. We lazed the day away, doing very little other than talk, watch tv, and play with te kids. We all watched the movie The Fantastic Mr. Fox, a highly acclaimed chldren’s film, but I am not sure the kids liked it that much. It did appeal to adults, so perhaps that’s the reason. Jill and Drew were to go to a going away part at a box in the baseball stadium but it was called off on account of the bad weather. As a result, we had the baked ziti, scheduled for Saturday night on Friday. It was delicious as usual and the kids loved it, especially Hayden. We put them to bed around 8:30, as both were very tired. Jill went to bed then as well, and Drew, Evie, and I watched a couple of Modern Family’s, and we then went to bed around 10:30, to a howling wind, some snow. The weather here really grates on you after awhile, especially Drew, who is sick of the winds, which weather anything outside rather quickly and make it hard sometimes to be outside. We took the dog for a walk earlier in the day and it was brutal outside, though sunny. We walked for about 20 minutes and I was exhausted from fighting the wind all the way back home.

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